The Chakras Workshop

The Chakras Workshop


This workshop will break down and give foundational knowledge on the energy centers of the body. In eastern cultures, these energy centers of the body were acknowledged and understood as a way the body processes energetic information. The “balance” of these energy centers is what allows us to find harmony in different areas and aspects of our life.

Practices like Reiki, Chinese medicine and acupuncture, yoga, meditation, sound healing, etc pay attention and target these energy centers of the body to promote overall well-being. Whether or not you are using the healing arts personally or professionally or just curious on how to help yourself find more harmony, learning about the chakras will help give a deeper understanding on how energy impacts different areas of ourselves, our internal world, and our relationship with the external world. This will give you tools on how to find more harmony in all aspects.

In this workshop you will learn about the energetic layers of the aura/body and the 7 main energy centers of the body, what they govern, their characteristics, ways to bring balance and ways to activate them, etc.

You will receive:
- A downloadable chakra balancing meditation file
- File download of the Chakra worksheet
- Recording of the class

WHEN: Saturday, July 8th 11:00AM-12:30PM PST

Investment: $50

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